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 A POV of a child.
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Posted on 09-26-14 2:30 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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I was crying. A smooth, gentle, warm hug soothed me. I felt different; something strange but pleasant. That stopped me from crying. New faces and mostly strangers around. Do I know them? Do they know me? Why do they have that smile in their face? They are passing me around. Everyone is making funny faces while looking at me. Was I been waited for by all these people? Why do I keep looking at the lady who was the first to hug and kiss me? Can I get back to her arms? She looks desperate too. Her eyes keep following me. She had tears. What does those tear means? She begs to grab me and I fall asleep in her arms.

This doesn’t look like the place where I was before. What a series of strange things. This place feels better than the one before. Who are those two people? They are smaller than everyone else? One of is crying? Did I do something? She is kissing me and I can feel the taste of her tears. Why are they telling her to be careful? She is not letting me go. Other one is desperate too. She finally let her have me. Wow she looks so happy to see me. Can I get back to that same lady?

Why do I always have my thumb in my mouth when I wake up? But to be honest it feels good. Wait no I don’t want that thing instead of my thumb. Well it is not that bad. Not as good as my thumb but they keep taking my thumb out of my mouth so it might be better for me just to keep that thing in my mouth instead of my thumb. Why do I cry most of the time? Gezzzz I might irritate them but they are so eager to stop me from crying. Why is the lady having a different tone? Her dialogues are so beautiful and relaxing. I felt asleep again. 

Is that all I do? Wake up, eat, drink milk, cry, poop and cry, pee and cry. Most of the time I have found me either crying or sleeping. And is it what they were waiting for? Someone who is crying all the time and they have to make me laugh with all their efforts. Well these little things are interesting. I don’t know their names but I like to play with them. Why those 2 little humans have same dress? They kissed me for like forever and left. I miss them but not as much as I miss this lady who is with me all day every day and the guy doesn’t seem bad either. He pretty much has something for me every time he is gone for a while. I like this guy. But the only thing I don’t like about him is that he is around this lady all the time and it hurts when he kisses me. He tries to be gentle mostly. Is kissing a way to express your love? I guess it is. I started kissing them back. They love it and ask me to do it again and again. They care about me so kiss is the least thing that I can give back. It doesn’t bother me. Except for when these strange people come over and ask me to kiss them. You are not around and you are not the people I see much all day. 

One thing I have noticed is that they are vertical and I am horizontal most of the time. Is this normal? Should I try? I will give a try. Jesus it is not as easy as it looks. Wow how can they do it? We will work on that later. I keep failing and they are all laughing. The lady keeps saying the same word. It sounds good. Wait, is that the same word that those two little humans use when they are with the lady? I tried. It doesn’t sound the same but she keeps smiling and kissing me everytime I try to say the word. She loves it. I should try that often. I say that word everytime I look into her eyes. They have tears everytime. Should I stop? Smile with tears in eyes? That’s strange. I think I am getting pretty close to sound like her when she says the word. Man this is tough; as tough as being vertical. Oh no. really dude? You want to come up with another word when I am having difficulty with the word that the lady wants me to say? I can’t even get close to what he wants me to say. Here came the two little humans. Jesus they have a word too? One at a time there humans. I will work on all the words but let me focus on the one that the lady wants me to say first. I found myself practicing the word. It just feels so good to say it. I cant wait to tell her. Here she is. “mamu”. Dude that was perfect and look at her expression. She hugs me like never before. Millions of kisses. I am in love with this lady since the day one and I cant help myself but to do anything that makes her happy. I haven’t figured out the tears with smile though.

Let me work on that dude’s word. He seems nice enough. Here he comes. “dadu”. Is he for real? He has tears in his eyes. This dude loves me as much as the lady does! That’s the reason that guy is with the lady coz they lots in common. Now I know whenever someone has tears in their eyes with a smile in their face, it means they are happy and they adore the person who makes it happen. Let me try and see if the two little humans’ reaction will be the same if I say their word. They are not around. I will wait. Here they come and here comes the tornado of kisses. Let me..let me..oh god I will wait. Are you done now? “didi”, it’s not as difficult as it felt coz the word is similar to the dudes’ word. They kissed me more but no tears with smile? They are crying like I do. Whats wrong? Did I say the word right? I look at the lady and she is smiling. As long as she is happy. I will get back to these little humans later.

Why am I in the floor and the lady is asking me to come to her. She is not even that far from me. She can come and pick me up but she keeps asking me to come to her. I crawled coz I couldn’t wait to get to her. She smiles and puts me back to the same place. I crawl back to her. This is not fun lady. I try my best to get to you and you ask me to do the same. Is this what you want? Make up your mind lady. Oh wait, may be she wants me to get to her vertically. That makes sense. Can I? well, she thinks I can that’s the reason she keep putting me back. Here we go. Wow wow why I tilt left and right. This is seriously dangerous. Let me just try to make it as soon as possible. Yay I did it I walked the half way and she leaned and grabbed me. Mission accomplished. No wait, why you putting me back? I thought it was over. I can do it. I walked the whole distance like a boss and she didn’t even have to pick me up half way. This is so fun. I know places I want to go but haven’t been able to. Now I don’t have to wait for her to come to me. I will go wherever she is at. May be with them two little human and with the dude. Don’t get too excited too soon man looks like you have a long way to go and lots of things to learn.
There is so much space to walk outside and I don’t have to worry about stuffs getting in my way. I find myself with the little humans more often now and I am really confident about this vertical thing that I do. We play with this round thing. They call it ball. Little humans throw the ball at me and I try to kick it back with my foot. I keep falling in the process. The lady is always around. She is sitting right where I can see. One of the little human hit me with the ball in my face. Damn it hurts. I cried. She came running towards me and hugged me. I should have stopped crying but boy! That hurt. The lady came rushing, picked me up and looked at my face. I felt better. Did she do that? Does the pain go away itself? I have too many questions. The lady said something to the little human and she started crying. She didn’t even look at me and ran. I didn’t see the little human for a while. The other little human came with that identical dress that the other one wears too. She kisses me as usual. Where’s the other one? What is going on? I keep saying “didi” but the other human is not around. I saw her walking with the little one who just kissed me. Did I do something? I need to talk to her when I get a chance coz I miss her.
Where were you? I missed you? Why did you cried when the lady said something to you? I had too many questions but I didn’t know how to ask them. I walked to her room. I said “didi”. She looked at me but ignored. Wow someone’s having a bad day coz usually the word works like a charm. Let me try one more time. I felt bad after fourth time. Why do I have tears in my eyes? Not again man. You crying for real? She come rushing, kisses me, hugs me and says “I love you”. Seriously, I don’t even know what that means but the way she said it, it sounds awesome. I said the same to her. She starts smiling. Is it a new magic word? I should try that on the lady.
There she is. “mamu, I love you”. She was surprised. It worked. She was happy. I used it like thousand times that day. I told it to the dude and the other little human too. Everything is so great except for the time I poop and pee. It feels weird and nasty but the lady knows when I poop or pee and she does something and its gone. I feel the same before I pooped or peed. The magic to this was, she changes the thing around my poopy and peepy. Who changes the things for the lady, the dude and the little humans? The lady does it for them? She is so caring. I will ask her when I know how to ask.

Man I know a lots of things now. It took me sometime to know about the poop and pee thing but all in all it was a good experience. The uniform that the little humans wear was for school. I even know what a school is now. Can I go with them? I don’t know what happens there though. The lady comes with the similar uniform one day. She puts it on me. I looked myself at the mirror. I look like the other two little humans. They hold my hand and walked me outside. There this big thing comes and we get in it. I looked back at the lady. She was waving her hands to me. I knew I will see her in a little bit. 

There we are. A nice looking lady who tried to act like my lady came and took me with her. I was worried. Where are my little humans? What’s wrong with me? Why am I still calling them little humans? Coz they don’t call me “babu” as often as they used to. They call me “something which sounds weird”. Anyways I am scared and the lady takes me to a place where there are millions and billions of little humans like me. May be I am just exaggerating but there were plenty. Do I look like them? What is this place? Do they have a lady that they call “mamu”? One of them comes to me and gives me this ball. I know how to throw a ball. They think I am a noob but little ditty they know I am pro at it baby. I have been practicing it with my “didi” for long time. I throw the ball like a boss. The little dude throws it back to me. How the hell does he know how to do it? Are my didis teaching them too? Are they teaching others right now? We need to talk man. This is serious. It is fun playing with these other little humans. They are about my size but some of them are huge, fat, and dirty. They are called friends. Wait they all have the same name, “friends”? and they call me friend too. I thought I was “blah blah”. I am so stupid. They all had different names; except for these 3 guys. They were all called “dudes with same name”. so much fun. Wait I am missing “mamu”. Its been a while I haven’t seen her. Is she coming to see me? Where are my didis? I started crying. The nice lady came to me and took me to my didis. They were sitting in a chair in two different rooms. Why are they not together? They don’t even have anything to play with. Not even a single ball. I felt bad for them. I was happy to see them. But the guy who was infront of them was not letting me to go to my didis. That’s when I knew there were people who don’t love other people. I didn’t even know his name or anyting to call him. He said,” later, not right now”. My didi waved at me and said I will see you in just a little bit. But that’s what I felt about my mamu too. It’s been a while I haven’t seen her. I cried and cried. The nice lady then took me with her. There were many nice ladies sitting in a room. Next thing I know my mamu is there. Yayy I went home with her. She asked me what I did without her. I told her about the friends and the guy who didn’t let me see my didis.

Posted on 09-26-14 8:51 PM     [Snapshot: 151]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Very nice and interesting. Keep writing

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